Is It The Social Gospel To Be About Good Deeds?
Good deeds are categorically and qualitatively different from the good news, but they are still good.
Great Commission-Minded and God-Exalting
A God-centered approach to the task of global evangelization means exulting in the biblical certainty that the knowledge of the glory of God will cover all the earth as the waters cover the sea.
Only a passion for God’s glory will sustain the long-term and often difficult task of church planting and global mission.
This passion overflows in powerful Christlike love and compassion for the lost, in faithful plodding, and in prayer that cries “Your kingdom come!”
Biblical Truth, Worship, Community, Prayer,
Regenerate Membership, Discipline, and Plurality of Elders
Mission is the task of the local church.
Para-church organizations will continue to play a vital part with their specialized and unique roles, but the primary responsibility of completing the task belongs to the local church—every single member.
Evangelical, Baptistic, Reformed, Complementarian, Spirit-Filled
Mission flows from our theological convictions.
It is the truth that sets us, our cities, and the nations free. Downplaying the importance of theology, which is God’s truth, does nothing to equip the church for church planting or global mission.
Gospel Clarity & Boldness, New Testament Example, Spirit-Filled Preaching, Multiethnic Churches, Missional Living
Methodology is lived out. New Testament proclamation was always accompanied by attestation—lives, suffering, methods, and miracles that demonstrated the truth of the gospel.
We recognize a healthy spectrum of giftings and faithful methods, but also recognize the existence of methodological lines which, if crossed, compromise the integrity of the gospel message.
We believe that Scripture should inform and critique methodology and that even seemingly different methods, if biblical, will be vindicated by wisdom and fruit. Methods should embrace both boldness and wisdom, and not shirk back from the often present suffering and even persecution that accompanies successful New Testament ministry.
We seek to encourage wise and biblical contextualization, where the gospel, not culture or method, is the only stumbling block.
However, this contextualization should never become mutant, prioritizing culture over gospel.
We reject both the colonial elevation of Western culture over the gospel and the contemporary Insider Movement elevation of indigenous religio-culture over the gospel.
Instead, we espouse the primacy of the gospel and its power to engage, transform, reject, and honor aspects of every culture.
Church Planting, Church Strengthening, Strategic Cities,
North America, Unreached People Groups
We will aggressively pursue planting likeminded churches in our city and region, while embracing broader North American church planting and church strengthening as a vital and strategic part of gospel renewal in our country and potential impact on our continent and around the world.
Internationally, we aim to prioritize major cities as a strategy for creating gospel beachheads in unreached and forgotten areas, leading to the evangelization of the surrounding countryside, as exemplified in the biblical account of Paul in Ephesus and as borne out through church history.
We are shaped by a passion to proclaim Christ where he is not named; therefore our international church planting efforts must always prioritize the remaining unreached and unengaged people groups of the world.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque feugiat malesuada nibh tellus amet lectus. Dignissim ac semper mollis quis pharetra. Vitae amet euismod hac odio. Tempor aliquam vel.
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The Immanuel Network is a mission cooperative of like minded leaders whose mission is to plant and strengthen healthy multiplying churches in North America and the unreached peoples of the world.
Part of The Immanuel Network's commitment to equipping and investing back to our partners, we have produced this podcast to support and provide content and conversations on various topics.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Dignissim arcu cursus tincidunt et odio enim aliquam dolor. Gravida augue arcu duis turpis nisl.